Ben Sadeghipour

Guess what's coming!? #AndroidHackingMonth on @Hacker0x01

Guess what's coming!? #AndroidHackingMonth on @Hacker0x01

Mobile hacking has become an essential part of the bug bounty hunter’s tool belt as more and more companies are doubling down on mobile and investing in the security of their iOS and Android applications. As part of our determination to ensure you have the tools you need to be successful on new programs and scope, we’re dedicating February to Android Hacking Month here at HackerOne.

According to HackerOne’s 2019 Hacker Report, 3.7% of the hacker community on HackerOne hacks on the 300+ Android assets available on our platform. Over the next few weeks, we hope to showcase the amazing work being done by these hackers to teach and inspire more hackers to do the same in the future.

[The 2019 Hacker Report]

All throughout February, we’ll be looking for your pro-tips on Twitter, so start thinking about your top Android hacks, resources, and anything else you found helpful when you were learning to hack. We’re excited to showcase some of the best tips and tricks in the industry — yours! Just use the hashtag #androidhackingmonth and we’ll keep an eye out for your posts. We’ll even be giving away some HackerOne goodies and invites throughout the month over Twitter.

We’ll also be announcing our upcoming Android hacking AMA on Twitter in the coming days, so get your questions ready for HackerOne and one of the industry’s top Android hackers. If you want to pre-submit questions, fill out this form

Want to put your skills to the test? Hacker101 will also be launching two new CTF levels focused on Android hacking and will be sharing ample resources along the way. Check out existing resources here

Happy hacking! 


The 7th Annual Hacker-Powered Security Report

Hacker-Powered Security Report